Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

What is EQ — And Why Does it Matter?

Emotional Intelligence goes by a few different names, including EI and EQ. Regardless of what you call it, the definition remains the same: The ability to mange oneself — and relationships — effectively.  While there are a lot of different measurements for other types of intelligence, knowing where you rank in terms of EQ is a little […]

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How To Develop an Employer Brand With Soul

There is an old saying is business….if you are not growing you are dying.Today’s talent market is more demanding than it’s ever been. According to Deloitte’s 2016 Millennial Survey, 66% of millennials plan to leave their organizations by 2020. There are 1.4 unemployed workers for every open position, and the average job opening remains unfilled for […]

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Ways to Improve Team Performance Through EQ

Even if every individual on your team has a high EQ, or strong emotional intelligence skills, that doesn’t automatically translate into a high EQ for the team as a whole. In order for a team to have an effective EQ, each individual needs to be doing their part to build trust, which includes developing a […]

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Amplifying Your Leadership Effectiveness Through EQ

All leaders should be able to not only know that there’s a difference between IQ and EQ, but they should also be able to understand why that difference matters. While IQ has long been thought of as the main gauge for intelligence and, therefore, the driving force behind success, EQ is even more important when it […]

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How to Leverage EQ in Your Recruitment Practices

Recruiting the right person for the job always sounds easy. But, then, the applications start coming in and, as interviews begin to take place, you suddenly realize that there’s a lot more to consider than just qualifications or academic success. The reason why recruitment proves to be so difficult is because there are so many moving […]

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Ideas To Improve Engagement During The Health Crisis

Disruption. Happened.In a matter of days and weeks the world changed.Businesses closed. Streets empty.  Leaders having to make very difficult decisions on how to ride out the crisis. People losing their jobs.  Death. Needless to say, the health crisis has had a big cost.But there are other less visible costs to your people as well.People feeling […]

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How To Develop a Thriving Company Culture

Is Your Company a Subdivision or a Thriving City? Have you ever had the experience of listening to a piece of music that you heard when you were younger, but never even realized how powerful the lyrics were until later in life?  That happened to me today when listening to one of the greatest bands of all […]

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Ideas To Disrupt Your Talent Strategy

I need to make a confession. I am a “HR trends addict”. What usually fuels my addiction are studies like the Deloitte Human Capital Trends Report and the Mercer Talent Trends Study. I am intrigued by what executives and HR professionals believe are their current and future priorities. I am fascinated by the analytics, trends and insights. I am […]

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