We believe so much in the future of HR...
We are willing to put our money on it.

On behalf of the team at HR Soul, we would like to thank the more than 200+ applicants who submitted an essay since July of 2022. We are truly inspired by the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of all the submissions. It was a hard decision to make for our selection team.
We are pleased to announce that Maggie Knisley of Penn State University is the winner of this year's contest.
At HR Soul, our goal is to to help every client amplify the performance of their people—
and the soul of their company culture.
To help the next up-and-coming HR gurus of the future reach their goals, we’re beginning a yearly scholarship contest. Below, we’ll offer some additional information on this awesome opportunity.
Everyone on our team knows how difficult it is to work, go to school, and balance the other responsibilities of adult life—and we are here to help lighten the load a little.
We want our $500 annual scholarship to go to a focused, hardworking, and dedicated student who has demonstrated an aptitude for the development of HR solutions that improve talent attraction, engagement and retention in the future of work.
If you’re over 18 and enrolled in a part- or full-time degree program at an accredited college, you can apply for our scholarship.
We want our scholarship contest to be open to as many entrants as possible, so we’ve simplified the application process.
Just follow these easy steps:
Write an Essay
Write a 1000+ word essay on the topic: “How can employers best attract, engage, and retain employees in the new world of work?”.
Be Original
Ensure that your work is creative, relevant, and, above all, 100% original. We are looking for the quality of content above the number of words you write.
Follow Our Guidelines
Be sure your essay is in PDF or Microsoft Word format only, as we can’t use Google Docs links.
Send To Us By The Deadline
Send the completed essay to us at [email protected] on or before 7/19/2023 with your name, contact information and school name.
It’s crucial that you only send the information we’ve asked for, as adding extra may delay the selection process.
After the July 19, 2023 submission deadline, our editorial team will evaluate each entry based on its quality and creativity.
Looking for ideas on what to write? Click here to go back to our homepage and then click the link on Measure the Soul of Your Business and take our assessment.
We’ll pick a winner the week of September 3, 2023, and we’ll notify them by email and phone.
At HR Soul, we are focused on our clients’ and contest entrants’ privacy. While we won’t sell or give your information to third parties, we retain the right to use submissions for our own purposes. By submitting your essay, you’ve agreed to our privacy policy.
Everyone here at HR Soul wants to wish you luck in the scholarship essay contest.
We’ll read every entry we receive, and we’re looking forward to reading yours!
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