Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool  Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool  Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool

What is Lumina Spark?

Our Lumina Spark assessment reveals your whole personality, providing a unique portrait of who you really are.

Increase levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) through self-awareness, reveal hidden potential and cope better under pressure.

Lumina Spark is the best personality assessment tool on the market today and used by leading global companies like Adidas, Havas, NHS and more.

Discover practical actions for improved communication, teamwork and leadership. 

Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool

Why Does Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Matter?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the level of ability to understand others, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively with them.

Research clearly shows time and time again, that the most effective leaders are ones who have a high degree of EQ.

Some people have naturally good EQ skills. Others not as much. The good news is that unlike IQ, everyone can improve their Emotional Intelligence. 

The first step is understanding yourself using our Lumina Spark assessment.

How Does Lumina Spark Work?

Lumina Spark provides an accurate, personalized reading of an individual's strengths and developmental areas to increase their self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

This highly sought-after product was created by Dr Stewart Desson and is based on his revolutionary PhD research in business psychology and psychometrics, awarded by the University of Westminster. The Lumina Spark methodology avoids the bias inherent in many other popular psychometric assessments.

In one tool it provides three lenses to give you consistent insights into your whole personality and remove the need for additional tests.


Underlying Personna

Your instinctive way of being, your preferences, and your natural inclinations


Everyday Personna

How you behave day-to-day, tuning up and down your qualities given the situation


Overextended Personna

When you do too much of a good thing, and overplay your natural strengths under stress

All of your personality all of the time - No labels, No boxes, No stereotypes!

Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool

What Do Our Clients Receive?

A personalized portrait of their whole personality

It speaks directly to people, providing a report uniquely about them as individuals - not about people who are similar to them. The model is simple to understand, yet contains great depth at the same time

Comprehensive Report

40+ page detailed report that which helps you explore your own personality, increase self-awareness and adapt behaviors.

Unparallelled Insights

Lumina Spark measures your 3 personas as described above on 24 different psychometrically validated data points.

Custom Solutions

We further leverage these important insights with either 1-on-1 coaching or through engaging team workshops either live or virtually.

How We Sustain The Learning

One of the biggest challenges facing organizations is how to deliver impactful learning and create sustainable results that reaches far beyond the initial engagement. 

Spark Coach gives your people the tools to continue their development in the office or remotely – so learning doesn’t have to stop at the end of the workshop or coaching engagement.  Meet Spark Coach. The new virtual feature of Lumina Spark

What Our Clients Say

Top Personality Assessment Tool


Deeper Insights, Amazing Value

Lumina has been an amazing add to our company, and Andrea's facilitation of it has been on point from the get-go.

I've used programs like this before, and the insights Lumina provides are a much deeper view than anything else we have used. It has improved our interactions at all levels, including the leadership and partner levels. We have incorporated this into our daily internal culture and are using it to better interact with our clients.

The skills learned during the program are ones that any company could benefit from.

Top Personality Assessment Tool


Improving Team Dynamics and Company Culture

Implementing Lumina helped bring awareness to our team of the different personality types that exist by tying it to the different colors, identify who on the team falls into which color category, and ultimately how to understand and best work with other team members based on each person’s color personality and profile.

The colors of Lumina make it easy to understand and remember what each personality type is.

Overall, the team found Lumina very interesting and has helped with team communication.

Interested in discovering how Lumina Spark can impact the leaders, teams and top talents in your organization? 

Connect with us today!

Lumina Spark Coaching Assessment Tool

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