We Help Clients Transform Their HR Practices
From The Tactical To The Strategic...
So They Can Grow Their Businesses
Interested In Gaining Competitive Advantage For Your Business Through Your People Practices?
Take the FREE Talent, Leadership & Culture Assessment Below To See How Yours Rate.

Do you find the people related aspects of your business soul sucking?
This may look like you some days. Or on many days...
We initially hear from C-Level and HR Leaders who have worked hard to contribute to the growth of their businesses.
The amount of time and energy they have invested is what got them to where they are today.
But...the bigger the business, the bigger the people factor.
That's where it can become what we call "soul-sucking"......why?
They intrinsically know there should be more to HR than just compliance and transactions.
They know that when HR is done strategically, it does so much more than just manage risks and perform administrative tasks.
They know that strategic HR should have measurable impact on their business’s overall success.
The problem is – that it's just not their day to day reality.
Either they do not have the experience – or they do not have the bandwidth being bogged down with other issues.
That's where we can help.
People related challenges we help solve for our clients
Here are some of the challenges we hear from the C-Level and HR Leaders we work with when they first come to us:
Attracting & Recruiting Talent
The talent marketplace is tight and they are faced with not only long times to fill their open positions – but also ensuring they select the "right" person and the cost of bad hiring decisions.
Employee Engagement
Companies are faced with providing a differentiated employee experience that will retain their talent– especially their top performers. They also have an added challenge of the cost of turnover.
Aligning People & Strategy
Many of the clients we work with are looking for innovative ways to align their teams, function and/or organization to the strategies & goals that matter most to organizational success.
Solidifying Their Talent Bench
We speak with clients who are challenged with building succession for their critical roles and accelerating the development of top talents. They need to have the right people, in the right roles, at the right time.
Developing Leadership Capability
Typically we hear about needing help with leaders who are "technical experts" but are lacking the skills to effectively get work done through others, or clients who was to develop their rising leaders of the future.
Building High Performance Teams
Many clients ask for our help in reducing barriers between team members, enabling more authentic connections, creating team cohesion and purpose in order to develop high performance teams.
Are you ready to measure the "soul" of your people practices?
Take our free Talent, Leadership & Culture (TLC) assessment to see where your people practices rate.
How do your people practices impact your bottom-line?
Let's talk dollars and "sense" using an simple example.
Turnover is an easy way to measure the cost of your HR practices. It's true, all companies experience turnover – especially today.
Regardless, there is a hard cost. Whether it be bad hires – or important team members you did not want to leave.
There have been many studies that have quantified the cost of turnover. Generally they range as low as 10% of the annual salary of the person who leaves – to as high as 30% or more. This includes hard dollar costs like the cost to replace and onboard, overtime costs and lower productivity.
So let's split the difference and calculate the cost at 20%.
Use the calculator to quantify the cost for a position type or department in your company.
Then look at the potential dollar savings examples to your company with only modest reduction.
Our solutions are designed to impact your bottom line.
So what insights should I take away from these assessments?
Think of building the people related aspects of your business like building a house....
The compliance and administrative aspects of HR are important, but they will never differentiate your business to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace.
They are the building blocks.
Your objective should be to minimize the time and effort dedicated to compliance and administration so that...
You can focus on what is really important – the 3 critical pillars of talent, leadership and culture
.....that sit on top of those building blocks.
The roof is your business strategy – which your talent, leadership and culture practices support.
Here are some other insights the assessment should reveal to you...
Gone are the days of HR as overhead, administration and compliance. You need an HR function that helps you drive revenue and increase profitability – with meaningful metrics to back it up.
Regardless of your score on the assessment, there is likely room for improvement. Your talent, leadership and culture practices will be what differentiates your business being good from being great.
We could cite the countless number of studies that make the correlation between talent, leadership and culture – and superior business results. We won't. But if you don't elevate these practices, you competition likely has – or will.
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